President's Message.

Hello Alberta.

Welcome to 2025, This is my fourth year as the president of the Advantage Party of Alberta. In those four years I have had the opportunity to watch provincial politics up close and personal.

Since Trump took office in the US and promptly declared a 25% tariff on Canada, I have seen many more people jump on the Alberta Separation bandwagon. I tried to weigh in with how that would look only to be told I didn’t know what I was talking about. 

A few things have come to mind, some curious and some serious. I’m curious how so many who were so vehemently opposed to the Canadian flag and all those flying one, calling them white supremacists and terrorists are now all in for Canadian patriotism. I’m also curious how so many Albertans who swore there was NO WAY Alberta could ever manage separation are talking like all Alberta needs to do is pack a suitcase and wave goodbye on the way out the door, like one would do leaving a failed relationship.

While I can appreciate the newfound desire for Alberta to become its own nation, there is a lot more to it than flipping the bird and slamming the door. Many of our systems are attached to Ottawa and extrication isn’t going to be easy. That’s not to say impossible, but the first thing Albertans need to realize is a separation referendum first requires a premier willing to offer a province wide vote on the matter. Unfortunately, our current Premier isn’t the least bit interested in getting Alberta out of Canada.

While listening to the new to separation zealots, the tortoise and the hare story keeps coming to mind. Over the last few years, I have watched numerous groups and parties come and go. I have watched, particularly the groups like Take Back Alberta and Alberta Prosperity whip huge gatherings into a frenzy and them drop them off a cliff. By the end of a ‘meeting’ all these people are exhausted and have no call to action.  They are the hare, racing to the finish line, excited to win the race with no idea of how grueling the race can be. I have often wondered if that isn’t the whole design of these offshoot groups and parties. To keep Albertans so distracted by the shiny object that they have no space left for the hard work of making Alberta independent.

Yes, preparing Alberta for independence will be hard work, but it starts with a party willing to do that hard work and a leader of that party, who if elected to be premier is willing to offer a separation referendum to Albertans.  It starts with people willing to put in the hours it takes to construct a workable constitution that is tight and rock solid. It starts with a plan of what steps need to be taken to advance the separation agenda. Right now, there is only one party with a vision and a plan, that is the Advantage Party of Alberta.

Our party executive has painstakingly fine tuned our Constitution and policies to make them airtight and understandable. Impenetrable to outside forces.

What we need are the people to help implement the vision and the plan. People willing to not just cheer at a rally but get their hands dirty.

Carol Nordlund-Kinsey.
President APA – Leading Alberta Forward

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