Leader's Message.


Hello Alberta.

Let’s not pretend.

Alberta is in a tough spot right now. We have federal and provincial governments and health authorities that are acting unlawfully and breaking multiple laws, including Canada’s Criminal Code. We have a Premier and Alberta Health Services breaching International, Canadian and Provincial human rights laws and trampling willfully over individual rights and freedoms.

Unfettered and irresponsible government spending coupled with the irrational choking of rural Alberta and our small and medium businesses are crushing ordinary, hard working and good Albertans.

Over the past two years, masses of Albertans have wizened to the reality that the world is being governed by the One World Government/New World Order spoken about by American Presidents and other world leaders for decades. We may have scoffed, or dismissed this information as remote theories, but our present reality is that we have an Alberta Premier and Canadian Prime Minister who have brought this globalist regime within Alberta’s borders, with the strongest arm against us being Alberta Health Services in consortium with the World Economic Forum. We are living the cruelty and tyranny of this new globalist regime. This globalist regime is shored up by mainstream media, which it controls and thus is still deceiving many Albertans. This explains why some see and some don’t.

There can be no doubt, with every deceitful, dishonest and deceptive statement coming from Alberta’s Premier, Canada’s Prime Minister and the governing health authorities, that Albertans are in a battle for freedom, integrity and self-reliance.

There is hope in Alberta. Hope lies in the strength of Albertans and with God’s help. The people of Alberta have been and are pushing back, in many small and large ways. This is not a conventional war. We win every day by going to work if we still have jobs, loving and caring for our families and friends, and standing for truth and justice to the extent of our abilities and strength.

The Advantage Party of Alberta members are realists. We have worked very hard to carry forward the grassroots processes and values of the former Wildrose Party, but we have not stopped there. We have built on the foundation of the Wildrose Party movement, which began in the mid-2000’s.

The Advantage Party of Alberta’s vision is to allow us Albertans to chart our own destiny. This dream, this vision is alive and thriving in the Alberta Advantage Party.

We invite you to join this venture.

Marilyn Burns, Leader

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